House Bill 133
Transportation & Defense Committee Chair Rep. Joe Palmer introduced a bill to improve the roads and bridges you drive on every day. House...
Review of District Board of Health Actions.
"Monday, your House Republican Caucus members kept working to restore a system of true checks and balances with the introduction of House...

Ending Emergency Orders
"Recently, your House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed House Concurrent Resolution 2 with a vote of 55-15. This critical piece of...

Ag All Star
Ninty-four legislators were named Ag All Stars by Food Producers of Idaho based upon their voting records on selected pieces of...

Rebalancing Government Powers
Our members introduced a variety of bills aimed at restoring balance to the Executive and Legislative Branches. Tuesday, Assistant...

Laying Out Priorities
Shortly after the State of the State Address finished up, Speaker of the House Scott Bedke laid out the priorities of the House...

2021 Idaho Legislative Session
On January 11th , the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth Idaho Legislature convened. The House of Representatives watched Governor...

Idaho House Republican Caucus
The Idaho House Republican Caucus is dedicated to its mission to do what is right for the people of Idaho, upholding conservative values...