North Idaho College and Schools Opening - Sept. Town Hall with Kootenai County Legislators - 2020
Ron responded to this question: Did you know that our tax money is going to support Black Lives Matters through North Idaho College?

Introductions - September Town Hall with Kootenai County Legislators.
Ron introduces himself at the Kootenai County Legislator Town Hall regarding the August Special Session.

COVID - 19
Here we are, in a time our Nation has never experienced---a shut down due to a virus. According to History.com, the Spanish Flu of 1918...

Lincoln Day Video - 2020
Click here to watch video of Idaho State Senator Mary Souza, Idaho State Representative Ron Mendive, and Idaho State Representative Tim...

Refugees in Idaho
January Town Hall with Kootenai County Legislators "Are you for or against bringing refugees into our state? What can you do to change...

Tax Relief
January Town Hall with Kootenai County Legislators Questions asked: Will there be grocery tax relief? Will there be a Prop 13 type of...

Abortion in Idaho
January Town Hall with Kootenai County Legislators - Questions asked: Are you Pro-Life? Would you vote for AHRA if it made it to the...

Ballot Initiatives in Idaho
Listen to Ron's thoughts on Ballot Initiatives in Idaho. This video is from the Jan. 25th Kootenai County Legislator Town Hall.

2018 Legislative Session
Here is what I said in the Coeur d'Alene Press recently: Mendive said each session takes on a life of its own, but education will be...