Neighbors of District 3

This year’s legislative session ended earlier than in years past. Here is a brief update on some of the legislation and the topics discussed during the 2014 session.
Several of us tried in vain to repeal the Obama Care law that was passed in 2013. We are now witnessing the fallout from this devastating Health Exchange Law--- including increased premiums, cancelled policies, and general frustration on the shifting requirements of the federal bureaucrats.
One bill of interest was the controversial “Campus Carry” bill which we passed, and the governor signed. The truth is that those who want to terrorize and kill, target gun free zones----from the Westgate Mall in Kenya to the schools across the United States. I supported this law to ensure our students would be safe and could defend themselves without violating university policies.
An issue of interest for North Idaho is the Water Adjudication. I spent considerable time this last month working to protect the water rights for North Idaho water users. In the end, we were able to pass a resolution that required an equal and open process of negotiation that required notification to valid water rights holders. Expect more news on this as the “adjudication” process moves forward.
Another important bill now protects our police from federal government orders which would be in violation of our constitutional rights. SB 1332 passed (unanimously in both houses) protecting law enforcement officers on the state level from being directed by the federal government to violate their oath of office and confiscate firearms that citizens are allowed to carry under the Idaho Constitution.
Also know that there will be a question on the November ballot with respect to the legislature’s ability to approve or reject rules of state agencies. This is important! Your legislature needs to strengthen its power to review rules and regulations created by state agencies when the legislature is not in session. This is known as the “Regulatory Freedom Act” HJR2.
It has been a privilege to serve this year and I thank you for your continued support as we work to ensure that Idaho remains a great state in which to live and work. I appreciate your input, please feel free to e-mail me at or visit my website
Ron Mendive